To create the autocomplete I decided just utilize jQuery UI's autocomplete control. For my initial pass I decided to not use the service based approach and go with a static source of values. To access these values I decided I would put the list of values in a data attribute on the actual autocomplete control itself. The JavaScript would just then pull those values from that attribute.
Here is what I came up with:
<%= text_field_tag :skills, params[:skills], :id=> 'skills_autocomplete',
:data => {:skills => SkillTotal.retrieve_skills() } %>
<% content_for :javascript do %>
<script type='text/javascript'>
source: $("#skills_autocomplete").data("skills")
<% end %>
It ended up working out pretty well, however in my form JS I was querying the control by its ID. Every time I needed an autocomplete I would essentially have this code on each one of my views. I decided that this was good, but I could do better. I wanted to make it more DRY.
I created a global.js file where I would put an on load function and set up the autocomplete so I didn't have to put it on each form. Instead of going by the ID, I went by a class as well. In the end it looked like this:
<%= text_field_tag :skills, params[:skills], :class=> 'autocomplete',
:data => {:autocomplete_data => SkillTotal.retrieve_skills() } %>
(function(global){I soon found out that my code wasn't working. A little bit of digging and this has to do with the turbolinks gem which is included by default with Rails. A little more digging and I now my JS looks like this and is running on multiple pages.
global.App = global.App || {};
global.App.autocomplete = function(){
var field = $(this);
global.App = global.App || {};
global.App.autocomplete = function(){
var field = $(this);
$(document).on('page:load', App.autocomplete);