Monday, December 15, 2014

Custom Angular Flyout

While working recently on a project I came across an issue where I had a finite amount of space and a bunch of actions that would be visible or hidden based on its current state.  I put some time into thinking how I could fit everything I needed and I thought that +90% of the time the user won't be performing any actions beyond just viewing the data so I started thinking about how to minify the amount of space my buttons took up.  I first thought about using icons, but unless they are so universal, it is typically better to just go with text.  So I thought about a button that has a popup menu.  I'm not sure if flyout is the technical term for it, but that sounded right to me so that is what I went with.  One of the benefits of this approach was if I needed to add more buttons down the road I know it won't cause any issues.  Likewise I will always know exactly how much real estate it will take up.
You could have infinite benders take up a finite space!

I knew that I wanted my angular directive to have a couple of things.  First I wanted the flyout to be driven by the developer so it can be reused over and over.  This can be easily solved with an ng-transclude directive.  Secondly, I wanted to make sure that it was smart enough to figure out where it was positioned in the window and dynamically display based on its position in the window.

The HTML for the flyout should be pretty straight forward.  An outer container, .flyoutContainer,  for the control, a container for the flyout, .flyout, and a div for the text/button to expand the flyout, .expanderContainer.  The .flyoutContainer has a couple events on it, blur and click, to figure out when to display the .flyout, and a ng-class directive to help with any styles you want to apply as well.  Here is the HTML result:
<div class='flyoutContainer' tabindex='0'  ng-click='click();' 
   ng-blur='lostFocus();' ng-class='{"expanded": options.isExpanded}'>
     <div class='expanderContainer' >
       {{options.display || 'Expand'}}
     <div class='flyout'  ng-transclude ></div>

Next is the bare bones CSS to handle what we need.  We want the .flyout to be absolutely positioned, to start off hidden, and to go on top of other elements.  When the .expanded class is applied we will then want to change the visibility so the .flyout and its contents will be displayed.  The .flyoutContainer styles are pretty simple.  Change the positioning to relative so the absolutely positioned .flyout will be relative to it, and remove any outlining (unless you are into that kind of thing).  For the .expanderContainer I just added css to change the pointer to a cursor to make it explicit that it is clickable.  Here is the css:
    position: relative;



.expanded .flyout{

Finally we come to the JS code to put it all together.  The easy part of the code is to just set the options.isExpanded appropriately based on the current state and event.  This will drive the CSS above.  The more difficult part of the code is making sure that the positioning of the .flyout is set appropriately based on where it is located in the window.  For this we pass in the $window parameter to the directive to get the window height and width.  We use the $window param instead of the window global element to make life easier for unit testing.  We can then compare those values with the getBoudingClientRect values of the .flyout to determine how much you need to update the top and left properties of it.  Here is the resulting JS:

function link(scope, element){
    scope.lostFocus = function lostFocus(){
        scope.options.isExpanded = false;
    }; = function click(){
        scope.options.isExpanded = !scope.options.isExpanded;

        if (!scope.options.isExpanded){
    function clearFlyoutPosition(){
        var $flyoutElement = angular.element
        $flyoutElement.css('top', 'auto');
        $flyoutElement.css('left', 'auto');

    function updateFlyoutPosition(){
        var flyoutElement = element[0].querySelector('.flyout'),
            $flyoutElement = angular.element(flyoutElement);

        if ($window.innerHeight < 
            $flyoutElement.css('top', '-' +
                (flyoutElement.getBoundingClientRect().height ) + "px");
            // set the top to the flyout container so it starts right at the bottom.

        if ($window.innerWidth < 
            $flyoutElement.css('left', "-" +
                (flyoutElement.getBoundingClientRect().right -
              $window.innerWidth + 10) + "px");

            $flyoutElement.css('left', 'auto');



Here is the end result with one flyout in the top left and one in the bottom right!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Create Your Own Angular Confirm Dialog

Modal dialogs have always been kind of iffy to use in regards to UX.  This goes 1000000x for web dialogs.  While most browsers somewhat support showModalDialog, it definitely isn't recommended to use for a lot of reasons.    I do believe that dialogs like other maligned things still have their place if used properly.

Loud Noises!
The type of dialogs I am referring to on the web are typically not traditional dialogs, but a transparent div of height/width of 100%.  You can find these types of dialogs all over the internet for all kinds of various things.  Even as I create this blog post blogger had a custom dialog to insert an image, and a hyperlink.
So I wanted to create something that I could reuse and style easily as well as incorporate in my work.  An angular directive seemed like the right approach for this.  I ended up creating a simple confirm dialog that you could set the text for the title, detail, and buttons, as well as the confirm and cancel button callbacks.  

The first thing I started out with was the HTML for the dialog.  It should be pretty straightforward,  one container to take the entire page, one div that is centered in the middle of the page and is the height and width of whatever we desire it to be, the title, the detail, and the buttons.  Here is what that looks like: 
    <div class='confirm' ng-hide='!showPrompt'> 
        <div class='confirmContainer'>
            <div class='confirm-title'>{{confirmTitle}}</div> 
            <div class='confirm-detail'>{{detailText}}</div> 
            <div class='confirm-actions'>
                <button class='ok' btn' ng-click='ok()'>{{okText || 'OK'}}</button>
                <button class='cancel btn' ng-click='cancel()'>{{cancelText || 'Cancel'}}</button> 

Next lets add some basic CSS for this dialog to center everything, and set the height/width appropriately.  We want the dialog to take the entire height & width of the page with a transparent background.  To center the container vertically we put the top at 50% and then set a negative margin top to move it back up.  We then put the buttons container to the bottom right of the confirmContainer.   
    position: fixed;
    opacity: 1;
    background-color: rgba(3, 3, 3, .25);
    z-index: 1000;

.confirm .confirmContainer{
    position: relative;
    margin: 0 auto;
    margin-top: -50px;
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);

.confirm .confirm-actions{
    position: absolute;

Finally lets get to the directive code.  We are going to use an isolated scope to bind whatever properties we want as well as the 2 functions we want to call.  We will also bind a showDialog property on the scope that will show the dialog when it is set to true.  When we want it to hide we will then set it back to false in our button code.  Pretty easy.  Here is the whole directive:

.directive('confirm', function(){
    var template ="<div class="confirm" ng-hide="!showPrompt">
" + 
        "<br />
<div class="confirmContainer">
" + 
            "<br />
<div class="confirm-title">
" + 
            "<br />
<div class="confirm-detail">
" + 
            "<br />
<div class="confirm-actions">
                "<button btn="" class="ok" ng-click="ok()">{{okText || 'OK'}}</button>"+
                "<button class="cancel btn" ng-click="cancel()">{{cancelText || 'Cancel'}}</button>" + 
" + 
    function link(scope){
        scope.cancel = function cancelFunc(){
            scope.showPrompt = false;
        scope.ok = function okFunc(){
            scope.showPrompt = false;
    return {
        template: template,
            confirmTitle: '=',
            detailText: '=',
            cancelText: '=',
            okText: '=',
            okFunction: '&',
            cancelFunction: '&',
            showPrompt: '='
        restrict : "E"

Now the dialogs in action:

Some next steps for this would be to create an even more generic dialog using ng-transclude so you can have your own picture upload dialog.  Likewise, another way I thought of using this confirm dialog was to use this in conjunction with a dialog service that had access to the rootScope.  That way you could have 1 dialog in your root page and have your service open/close that one as necessary.