One of the things I’ve wanted to start to start learning is what is new in ES6. There are a lot of new features in ES6 that are pretty awesome. There are some that can even be implemented today using other libraries or polyfills such as promises. However, for other features it can be harder to implement.
The good news is there are libraries out there that will compile your ES6 script into backwards compatible JS. The one I am looking into is Babel Babel would typically be set up in your development/build process like any other compiler, but this one would theoretically fade away and leave you with ES6 scripts when browsers catch up to it.
So to get started playing around with ES6 scripts, Babel has provided a live editor here: which is nice. However that doesn’t let you save anything, or show it off in a blog, etc. So I went to see if JS fiddle has any out of the box support for Babel, and found it doesn’t. I knew that Babel had a client side compiler (which shouldn’t obviously be used for production), so I tried to find that listed somewhere in a CDN. I couldn’t find it, so I decided to see if I can reference it via google drive. After some time investigating and finding this site I found how I was able to do it You are only allowed to reference files with a .js extension so I had to use method 1, and I generated the following url
Once you have it listed as an external resource on the JS Fiddle you can then create <script> blocks with the type of text/babel in your HTML area. Once babel loads it will automatically compile those blocks and you are good to go!